Importance of logistics dashboards in modern supply chain

Logistic dashboards are a way for companies to track their supply chain management and logistics. They allow companies to see how well they are doing in meeting their goals in terms of efficiency, costs, and customer service.
Volvo trucksLogistic dashboards can be used to track the efficiency of a company’s supply chain management. This is done by using KPIs such as lead time, inventory turn rate, and order fill rate.

A logistics dashboard is a piece of software that helps to monitor and manage the supply chain. It consists of various components like order management, inventory management, transportation management, and more.

Logistic dashboards are used in all kinds of industries for a variety of purposes. For example, retail stores use them to track their inventory and plan their orders ahead of time. Manufacturers use them to monitor production processes and get insights into new trends in the market. Logistics companies use them to predict demand for certain products and plan their routes accordingly so that they can deliver goods on time. This article is designed to help you decide if a dashboard is right for your company.

How to Choose the Best Logistics Dashboard for Your Business Needs?

The first thing you need to do is to know your company’s logistics process and what kind of data you need to track. Many different types of dashboards can be used for different purposes. It is important to know what information is most valuable for your business and to find a dashboard that can show you this data in an easy-to-read format.

Next, you need to determine what type of data is needed. Different metrics can be tracked, and the type of data you track will dictate what kind of dashboard is appropriate.

We should take into account the size of our business and the complexity of our supply chain. The dashboard should be able to handle all aspects of our logistics, including inventory management, invoicing, and accounting. 

What are the Benefits of Using a Logistics Dashboard?

Logistic dashboards are the backbone of any custom supply chain software management software. They provide a centralized hub for all your logistics needs. You can monitor and track every shipment and communicate with your suppliers, customers, and carriers in real-time. It also helps you visualize data so that you can make better decisions about your next move.

The benefits of using a logistics dashboard are many. For one thing, it helps you cut down on costs by reducing the number of people in the supply chain who need to get involved to take care of shipments. It also saves time by helping you avoid delays and mistakes that happen when too many people are involved in one process at once.

Types of logistics dashboards

Transportation dashboards.

Transportation dashboards are used to track transportation activities like shipments, deliveries, pickups, etc. Real-time information is important as it impacts the success of operations and the ability to plan accordingly. The dashboard provides an overview of all activities in one place and helps make informed decisions on how to handle them.

Dashboards remain useful for providing a holistic overview of an enterprise. For example, the data on a dashboard can provide insight into how well different divisions are performing in their operations. This enables senior management to make informed decisions about whether to hire more employees or what kind of incentives they should offer to increase production.

Transportation dashboards can be used as:

-To plan future activities

-To monitor the success of current activities

-To identify patterns in activity data

Warehouse KPI dashboards.

Warehouse KPI reports help warehouse managers to know the number of outbound orders and containers shipped, as well as inbound containers received. This helps them identify trends in the business that can be addressed by purchasing/producing more inventory or by optimizing the picking process.

These dashboards can generate reports on key warehouse metrics like inventory levels, pick rates, etc. This way, managers and supervisors can take informed decisions and allocate resources efficiently to increase the warehouse’s efficiency and production levels.

Purchasing KPIs help businesses make data-driven decisions in the purchasing department. These dashboards can generate reports on key purchase metrics like order conversion rates, return rates, etc. This way, managers and supervisors can take informed decisions and allocate resources efficiently to increase the company’s efficiency by providing relevant products and services at an affordable price point.

Pick and pack scorecards.

A P&P scorecard is a tool that helps in monitoring performance metrics for pickers and packers as well as better understanding their needs. The scorecard includes six areas of focus: emergency response; equipment maintenance; communication; training; quality assurance; and output.

Pick&Pack scorecards are the most practical solution to the problems that many organizations face when it comes to monitoring their performance metrics. These scorecards can be customized according to the requirements of any organization’s pickers and packers and even help in understanding their needs by including different scenarios for the process to be executed on their platform.

The scorecards are useful in providing objective feedback to determine where process improvements can be made, whether in terms of a single metric or across the board. They also help with formulating plans for sustaining high performance and engaging employees.


Logistic dashboards are an essential tool for any company that wants to improve its supply chain management. They provide a centralized view of the entire process and can help you with many different things, such as planning, forecasting, tracking, and reporting. It is necessary to have a logistics dashboard in place so that the company can get the most out of its supply chain management.