Sunrise UPC to cut nearly 30% jobs

The integration of Sunrise and UPC will result into job cut of less than 30 percent of the current number of employees.
Sunrise 5G networkSunrise UPC said it expects that the number of affected employees will be significantly less than 30 percent of the current number of employees. Sunrise UPC will be able to give the majority of the employees a clear perspective of their function in the combined company before the end of June. The entire integration process will take several years.

Sunrise UPC has initiated a consultation process and negotiated and drawn up a social plan together with the syndicom trade union and both employee representations.

Andre Krause, CEO of Sunrise UPC, said: “We have been able to work out a social plan for Sunrise UPC thanks to the good and constructive co-operation with the syndicom trade union and both employee representations.”

The employees affected will receive professional support in the form of an outplacement program. In addition, Sunrise UPC will provide a fund of CHF 2.5 million for individual measures to bridge any gaps, such as training measures or individual hardship cases.